Don't Judge me

Don't Judge Me Yet.... Still in Progress

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Coffee... Such a great word!!!!

Coffee such an amazing word; there is nothing as wonderful as a cup of coffee in the morning. The warm feeling between your hands comforting your body as your brain activity begins. We drink it in the morning, we grab a cup on our way running errands, some even like it in there ice-cream. To some of us seeing a coffee stand is like a child seeing a lemonade stand in summer. Our mothers always told us,” DO NOT BOTHER ME TILL I HAVE HAD MY FIRST CUP OF COFFEE” and we accepted that because we just knew. Now through our pursed lips we have passed that along to our own children.  No matter how we like it, flavored, original, dark, light, black, sweet, or Some people even like it in there alcohol, whatever, we all can agree that coffee is great. 
Legend has it, according to “Coffee History” that Kaldi, an Arabian shepherd, was doing his thing on the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula; after seeing his goats “joyously dancing” around this shrub with berries on it He tried the berries. He noticed that the berries were causing the peculiar euphoria. He learned of the powerful effects and shared his secret with the monks who then used the stimulation to stay awake during their long hours of prayer (Coffee History, 2001-2006). There has been recent findings that have proved coffee actually started in the n the plateaus of central Ethiopia and somehow must have been brought to Yemen where it was cultivated since the 6th century (Coffee History, 2001-2006).
However, I like the story of the high goats best LMBO.
In doing some research for this post I did find some really
cool stuff about coffee.
1.   We already know it all started with dancing goats.
2.   Coffee is the second most traded commodity in the world; Oil is the first
3.   All the coffee in the world grows on the coffee belt, Between the tropics of cancer and Capricorn
4.   In 1675 the King of England banned coffee houses, he said that is where the people met to conspire against him… ( like they couldn’t have met anywhere else)
There are a few more cool facts on the Oatmeal site take a look
Either way according to the research done by Harvard a surprisingly 54% of Americans over the age of 18 drink coffee on a regular ( daily) basis. Americans spend 4 BILLION dollars on coffee.
I think I am going into the wrong business. Maybe I should grow coffee.

 Coffee By numbers . (2009). Retrieved January 31, 2012, from Harvard school of public health :
Coffee History. (2001-2006). Retrieved January 31, 2011, from Coffee :
Inman, M. (2012). 15ish things worth knowing about coffee . Retrieved January 31, 2012, from The oatmal :


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